Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dear Kmart,
You are difficult to love....

You had ONE checkstand open last night, and 6 people in line. The 12-year-old cashier was only doing her job when she doubled the wait time by explaining to each customer why it was in their best interest to apply NOW for a shopping card before completing their purchase. She was obviously a new, possibly temporary, employee, and when her computer froze (right before my turn to checkout), she could only shrug and look helpless and suggest we wait for an indeterminate amount of time or try the Customer Service desk.

We all headed for Customer Service (the people behind me in line, now in front of me) and listened while the one person in Customer Service explained to an elderly gentlemen why you can use a DVD in a DVD player OR a Blu-Ray player, but you cannot use a Blu-Ray in a DVD player, and why he should apply for a shopping card NOW before completing his purchase, then rang up his stack of titles. 

The line moved forward, and just as the person in front of me was finishing their transaction, the Night Manager approached me and said, "I can help you over here, ma'am," and directed me around to another register in Customer Service. I placed my items on the counter, and then she leaned in and asked, somewhat conspiratorially, "Do you mind waiting for a few minutes while I go reset that frozen computer?" Amazed that she had pulled me from the other line and lost my place there before making this suggestion, I pointed out that I had already been waiting quite awhile (20 minutes at this point), but I understood, and she should do what she needed to do. And I guess even my mild objection convinced her that I was going to be difficult, so she snippily replied, "Oh, so you don't want to wait" and started scanning my stuff, while continuing to try to talk the newbie through the technical repair on her register all the way at the other end of all the registers. 

My total was declared, and I swiped my card, after first having to complete an electronic survey on the keypad as to how I preferred to receive my advertising from Kmart and friends. I finally left the building, only to realize that she hadn't given me the 50% discount on one item, and had not charged me at all for another. A glutton for punishment, I went back in, waited behind another customer, then waited some more while she left to go investigate whether the 50% off sale truly applied to my item or not, since no one in that department answered her page.

I suppose that returning to the store after everything and waiting again to pay $10 for something she forgot to ring up the first time did not earn me any credibility in insisting that the other item really was 50% off, according to signs in that area. She returned, and announced that it was NOT on sale, but grudgingly admitted that the sign DID make it look that way, so she would honor the discount.

So Kmart, I spent 45 minutes trying to leave you last night, and despite your relentless marketing attempts, inadequate staffing, miscommunications and technical difficulties, I made my escape with my hard-won purchase, albeit temporarily sans my Christmas spirit. I think maybe we shouldn't see each other for awhile....

Good luck, and Happy Holidays,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fame, Fortune & MTV

"Ultimately, Swift and West demonstrated that while they may have come off as adversaries last year, they have a great deal in common. Primarily, they both suffer from a bizarre disorder where what is supposedly intended as a gesture of generosity toward someone else inevitably spins out into a celebration of self. For him, this meant complaining about the pain of being a guy who can't stop acting like a jerk, and for her, it meant blowing up a moment of probably intoxicated rudeness into a major moral failing, just so that she could dramatically offer absolution." Entire, hilarious article/videos:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I feel like I'm in the playroom of a giant toddler, and every time I try to take a couple of steps in any direction, he places a big wooden block in my path. Not making much progress today, but afraid to give up for fear he'll lose interest in the game and just bite off my head.