Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Like a Prayer" from Glee Season 1, Episode 15, "The Power of Madonna" - Video - Glee

I didn't have much interest in this song when it first came out and Madonna sang it, but there's just something about the people of Glee that have me clicking "play again", again and again... (click link below to view)

"Like a Prayer" from Glee Season 1, Episode 15, "The Power of Madonna" - Video - Glee

Monday, April 5, 2010

I love my husband.

Teenage Time Loop--How many times do I have to say it??

Another overdraft fee! I don't get it. I sent him with PLENTY of travelling snacks and soda, purchased here at a grocery store so he wouldn't have to pay inflated convenience store prices on the road, AND $100 cash to buy souvenirs. So he buys a pepsi and a hat in San Francisco yesterday with his DEBIT CARD, and overdrew his account by -$4.55, plus the $20 Banking Stupidity Fee. His reasoning? "I just didn't want to use my cash at the moment."

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Disparate [dis-PER-it]

Things that were on my front porch this week...
  • couch, bisected by a chainsaw earlier this month;
  • broken fenceboards (victims of lacrosse balls), assorted sizes;
  • wrought-iron "pick-up truck" floral planter with fake flowers from last fall, slightly flattened, most likely due to prolonged contact with the aforementioned couch. Note to self: get rid of the cute, country truck planter.... you're just not "country". Not even a little bit.
  • worn doormat, severely deteriorating on one side, imprinted with the query, "got dirt? (answer: "yes");
  • orange Home Depot bucket;
  • empty, plastic milk carton;
  • two white kitchen-size trash bags, ALMOST full of stuff, ALMOST ready to go to D.I.;
  • athletic cup (WTH?);
  • 20 oz. plastic Mountain Dew bottle, 1/3 full (really hoping it doesn't have anything to do with the athletic cup);
  • two bags of IceMelt, both of them open;
  • one spoon;
  • broken sprinkler;
  • yellow, plastic, wasp trap;
  • various and sundry spider webs, dead leaves, detritus;
... time to focus on some curb appeal...