Saturday, April 3, 2010

Disparate [dis-PER-it]

Things that were on my front porch this week...
  • couch, bisected by a chainsaw earlier this month;
  • broken fenceboards (victims of lacrosse balls), assorted sizes;
  • wrought-iron "pick-up truck" floral planter with fake flowers from last fall, slightly flattened, most likely due to prolonged contact with the aforementioned couch. Note to self: get rid of the cute, country truck planter.... you're just not "country". Not even a little bit.
  • worn doormat, severely deteriorating on one side, imprinted with the query, "got dirt? (answer: "yes");
  • orange Home Depot bucket;
  • empty, plastic milk carton;
  • two white kitchen-size trash bags, ALMOST full of stuff, ALMOST ready to go to D.I.;
  • athletic cup (WTH?);
  • 20 oz. plastic Mountain Dew bottle, 1/3 full (really hoping it doesn't have anything to do with the athletic cup);
  • two bags of IceMelt, both of them open;
  • one spoon;
  • broken sprinkler;
  • yellow, plastic, wasp trap;
  • various and sundry spider webs, dead leaves, detritus;
... time to focus on some curb appeal...

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