Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My boss just introduced me to someone as the Volunteer Coordinator and the person who does all the things around here that he doesn't want to do. I laughed and said, "Sounds like job security to me," and he said, "That's right, because it's not like that list of things is getting any shorter...."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Click "like" if you love your daughter!!


Isn't that something of a contradiction, or at least a lukewarm comparison? Shouldn't there be a "love" button to click, if clicking is truly required to prove the veracity of one's feelings for one's daughter?

If I choose NOT to click, does that indicate that I don't love my daughter? Or even like her enough to click a button? And if I DO click the "like" button, what then? Will she be notified of my declaration of love/like for her? Will everyone else be notified? Will the world in general be comforted knowing that I do, indeed, love my own offspring? Was the public concerned? What kind of ongoing support/marketing will I be able to expect, having become a member of the exclusive club of people who love their daughters... Well, at least those who love them enough to click?

What about my son(s)? Will they feel left out, or that I'm playing favorites? Do I then need to seek out other buttons to click in similitude? What if I don't have a daughter? How will anyone know what a loving, demonstrative person I am if there is no public announcement to that end?

Please. Really.

(sigh) Back-to-School...

The new school year is fast approaching, and I can hardly bear the thought. With meetings and prep, the reality is that it has already begun for me, and I'm in denial. Time to face facts (not always my strong suit) and just get working on the twenty different school-related projects on my desk (or in a pile, or stuffed in a bag). Dread, frustration, gloom.....

On the upside, look at these "Back-to-School" shoes! Hahahahaha.... I love them! Obviously, finding and purchasing these will make all the difference in my attitude and productivity.... :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sounds about right....

"There's a little truth behind every 'just kidding', a little curiosity behind every 'just wondering', a little knowledge behind every 'I don't know', and a little emotion behind every 'I don't care'."

Saturday, July 24, 2010

So, yesterday....

.... I pulled out my high school yearbook from my senior year, for the sole purpose of looking up Dee Barrett, from whom I recently received a facebook message regarding our upcoming class reunion. And the reason I felt the need to look up Dee Barrett is that the message was actually from Dee-Aleece Barrett, which seems somewhat feminine, and facebook was under the impression that this person was of female gender, while I distinctly remembered Dee Barrett as being a man. And the only photos available were family/group shots, in which I recognized no one, male or female, although in my defense, it has been awhile. So that got me wondering if during the intervening 

30 years since we graduated, Dee Barrett had a sex change, or if I was somehow remembering really, really incorrectly. And while I was looking through all the seniors with last names that began with "B", I stopped at "Robert Barrera", and thought, wow, what a good-looking guy with perfect 1980 hair, feathered back just exactly so... And even though I had never really known Robert Barrera while we were going to school, or traveled in any of the same circles, I couldn't help wondering what he was doing now, and what his hair looks like now, before moving on through the rest of the "B" photos, once again, as always, distracted and irritated by my own senior portrait there in the "B"'s, with color and lighting so bad that my mom sent me down to Felt Photography in downtown Logan for a re-shoot, which turned out infinitely better, but too late to replace the original in the yearbook... Then tonight, I saw a post on facebook from another former classmate, saying that Robert Barrera was killed this week in a 4-wheeler accident. And even though I never really knew Robert Barrera, I was just looking at his picture yesterday!! So, it feels like I kinda DID know him... but not. And I guess what I'm trying to say is.... um, I really don't know what I'm trying to say. Except that life is really weird, isn't it?

And Dee Barrett was definitely a guy in 1980, so I don't know what's going on with that....