Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Click "like" if you love your daughter!!


Isn't that something of a contradiction, or at least a lukewarm comparison? Shouldn't there be a "love" button to click, if clicking is truly required to prove the veracity of one's feelings for one's daughter?

If I choose NOT to click, does that indicate that I don't love my daughter? Or even like her enough to click a button? And if I DO click the "like" button, what then? Will she be notified of my declaration of love/like for her? Will everyone else be notified? Will the world in general be comforted knowing that I do, indeed, love my own offspring? Was the public concerned? What kind of ongoing support/marketing will I be able to expect, having become a member of the exclusive club of people who love their daughters... Well, at least those who love them enough to click?

What about my son(s)? Will they feel left out, or that I'm playing favorites? Do I then need to seek out other buttons to click in similitude? What if I don't have a daughter? How will anyone know what a loving, demonstrative person I am if there is no public announcement to that end?

Please. Really.

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